3 common skin complaints and how to treat them
Does the thought of this summer’s slip dresses, shorts and strappy tops make you feel a little, well, anxious? After hiding under layers, showing more of your body can feel like you’re revealing a little too much if you’re not happy with your arms and legs – not to mention back, décolletage and tummy.
‘We tend to not pay as much attention to our body skin in winter as in summer,’ says dermatologist Dr Stefanie Williams
. ‘So we don’t moisturise our legs as they’re hidden under trousers, or exfoliate our upper arms as frequently.’
While summer may still feel a way off, it’s worth tackling any skin issues now – whether you want them cleared up for summer or taken care of for good. So we’ve addressed three of the most common skin concerns and how best to treat them:
1 Keratosis pilaris
What is it?
Not-so-affectionately known as ‘chicken skin,’ keratosis pilaris occurs in a third of people in the UK. ‘The affected skin is covered with lots of tiny rough spots, like goose bumps, which are skin-coloured, red or brown,’ says Williams. It mostly crops up on the outer upper arms, but can appear on the thighs, buttocks or sides of the face.
How to treat it:
Williams recommends a light exfoliation with a sponge, followed by a body lotion containing urea, available at most pharmacies. Scrub gently in the shower with Beauty Kitchen Free From Bath & Body Sponge, then use a moisturising layer of Eucerin Intensive 10% With Urea Treatment Lotion.
2 Thread veins
What are they?
AKA spider veins, 80 per cent of 18-64 year olds have them. Red, purple or blue, they are blood vessels that show from under the skin. ‘They’re often on the ankles, thighs and lower legs due to higher pressure and the task of carrying blood from the lower body to the heart,’ Williams says. ‘Women are more likely to get them due to hormonal differences and pregnancy, and oral contraceptive pills can also contribute.’
How to treat them:
Massage on Dr Organic’s Royal Jelly Leg & Vein Cream, containing marine extract Palmaria palmata to aid circulation.
3 Stretch marks
What are they?
According to medical aesthetician Renée Lapino: ‘They’re caused when skin is stretched rapidly, eg during a growth spurt or weight gain, and appear when the dermis tears, so deeper layers of skin and blood vessels show through. As the vessels contract, the marks change from a red or purple shade to pale white.’
How to treat them:
To reduce their appearance, Lapino recommends topical oils and creams; try Weleda Stretch Mark Oil. Stubborn marks can be treated with IPL laser treatments, such as Venus Versa, offered by Venus Concept UK clinics.
Read more: Your summer skin checklist starts here