Your summer skin checklist starts here
We crave the sunshine – but when it finally appears, it can play havoc with our complexions. Summer acne, flakiness and rosacea are all-too common as the mercury rises. But don’t despair – facialist Cherry Woods’ holiday countdown should keep your skin spot-free and glowing on the sun-lounger.
Three weeks to go: take fish oils
You probably haven’t even chosen your bikini – but it’s never too early to hydrate. ‘Around now start taking omega-3,’ says Cherry. ‘This not only supports the skin’s immunity, but replenishes fatty acids in your skin. It helps to diffuse red, blotchy skin and retain moisture in preparation for arriving at a super-hot destination.’
Also crank up your vitamin C intake. ‘Its antioxidant properties play a significant role in collagen synthesis, and some studies suggest vitamin C can even help prevent UV-induced photo damage, which is incredibly ageing,’ says Cherry.
To prep skin for hot climates, take a vitamin C supplement and look for topical creams that contain this super-antioxidant.
Two weeks to go: buy new suncream
Time to bin the sad remants of last year’s SPF30. ‘Make sure you invest in a quality sunscreen
and use it for at least a fortnight before you go on holiday,’ says Cherry. ‘This gives you a chance to acclimatize within your usual routine, and can prevent breakouts often caused by a sudden increase in physically rich products.’
One night to go: serums at the ready
Parched skin post-flight is not a good look. Instead heed Cherry’s wise advice: ‘The evening before travelling, I highly recommend a topical antioxidant oil or serum to boost your skin’s oils, and help stabilise its water levels during your flight.’
READ MORE: The great skin basics you should know
On the flight: hydrate and then some
Keep an eye on your body’s water levels both inside and out. ‘Sip water little and often, both at the airport as well as during your flight. Don’t glug – give your poor kidneys a break,’ says Cherry.
And spritz a cooling water mist spray as often as possible (as long as your neighbour doesn’t mind). ‘It won’t dislodge your make-up, but will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized, while helping keep your complexion hydrated.’
Finally, don’t get caught out on the hot glare of the runway, or waiting for your post-flight taxi. Before landing, ‘apply sunscreen to your face and other exposed areas, as it needs a little time to have soaked into the upper layers of your skin in order to have effect.’
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