Eat these 10 superfoods for an A-List glow
Looking and feeling fabulous starts not with the latest miracle moisturiser, but with the food that’s on your plate. Stock up your shopping basket with superfood supplies for glowing skin, strong nails and glossy locks with these edible recommendations from LA nutritionist Kimberly Snyder, author of The Beauty Detox Solution. This is a woman who knows her stuff; her A-List clients range from Drew Barrymore to Kim Cattrall.
1. Chia seeds
Eat these to banish wrinkles. A good source of omega-3 fatty acids, chia seeds contain amazing fats to nourish your skin, are collagen-boosting and contain tons of antioxidants. Make like Snyder and whip up a chia seed pudding.
2. Apple cider vinegar
Balance oily skin with this stuff. A natural exfoliator, it contains alpha hydroxy acids that balance the skin’s pH. Mix equal parts of apple cider vinegar and water and apply it to your skin with a cotton ball.
3. Quinoa
Nourish hair with this superb plant-based source of protein. It bulks up a meal and it’s a handy source of iron and magnesium (gluten-free too). Keep it cooked in the fridge.
4. Spinach
Brighten your eyes with these green leaves. Among other benefits, spinach is a fantastic source of betacarotene, a powerful disease-fighting antioxidant that helps keep eyes healthy.
5. Almond milk
Beat brittle nails with this rich source of calcium and vitamin E. Drink it down for a great antioxidant nutrient.
6. Digestive enzymes
For a flat tummy, keep these in your handbag and pop one before a meal to help break down fats, proteins and starches more quickly.
7. Probiotics
Found in yoghurt (but keep it dairy-free), these help you digest foods more efficiently so you make the most of vitamin and mineral absorption, boosting your complexion.
8. Fruits – even the high fructose ones
Got a sweet tooth? We have good news. Despite their high-sugar content, most fruits are bursting with nutrients like collagen-boosting vitamin C – collagen is the stuff that keeps your skin elastic. Also bananas are rich in potassium, which is great for under-eye circles.
9. Glowing Green Smoothie
Snyder is renowned for her GGS, papped in the hands of A-Listers everywhere. It’s a perfect equilibrium of plant protein, fibre, iron and vitamins A and C, in turn preventing skin damage and fending off wrinkles. Snyder recommends sipping a 500ml glass each morning.
359ml water
1 head romaine lettuce
1/2 large bunch of spinach
3/4 stalks celery
1 apple
1 pear
1/2 bunch coriander and parsley
1 banana
Juice of half a lemon
1. Add water, lettuce and spinach to a blender. On a low speed, mix until smooth.
2. Moving to higher speeds, add the celery, apple, pear, coriander and parsley – fresh herbs have cleansing properties that clear your body of toxins.
3. Finally, add the banana and the lemon juice – and enjoy!
10. Be tactical
Fruit and vegetables should be eaten first because they break down and move through the body faster than animal protein. ‘If you eat fruit after a heavy meal such as meat or carbohydrates, it will sit and ferment while the heavier food digests,’ says Snyder. Eat foods in the right order and wrinkles and dull skin could be a thing of the past.
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