These 5 health apps will seriously improve your life
When it comes to our wellbeing smartphones get a pretty bad rap. They’re blamed for keeping our brains wired at night and ruining everything from our posture to our sex lives.
But, it doesn’t have to be this way, and we’re certainly not going to be putting them down any time soon. Make yours work for you with our edit of the best health apps to help you live better: mind, body and soul.
What? Red Cross First Aid
Be armed with solutions for 18 common first aid scenarios – there’s everything including severe burns, head wounds and CPR. With videos and step-by-step advice, saving lives has never been this simple.
Free for iOS or Android
What? SleepCycle
Why? Waking up in a deep sleep cycle can ruin the day ahead. Like a bargain bio-alarm clock, this app monitors your movements, waking you up with gentle music and a line-graph analysis of your slumber during the lightest sleep phase. Perfect for easing you into those dark, autumnal mornings.
69p for iOS6; £1.29 for Android
What? Love food, hate waste
This app can save you up to £50 a month by helping you get creative with the food you currently throw way. Just type in what’s lurking at the back of your larder or fridge and it generates a list of recipes you can make instantly. Perfect for end-of-the-month budget eating.
Free on iOS and Android
What? Gratitude Journal
Why? Need a little help looking on the positive side? Write down the five things you’ve loved about your day, add camera images and you have your own personal perk-me-up ready for your next ‘down’ day. Plus it’s 100 per cent private and password-protected, so your soppiest side is safe from view.
69p for iOS
Daily Ab Workout
Why? Update your sit-ups with this simple selection of workouts. An e-trainer keeps your motivation in check and you can even create your own bespoke routine from your, ahem, ‘favourites’. One taut tum awaits.
Free for iOS and Android
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